How to clear iCloud Storage - iCloud storage full?

How to clear iCloud Storage - iCloud storage full?

How to clear iCloud Storage - iCloud storage full?

Find out what’s taking up memory:

It is important to know what types of files are using up the most space in your iCloud before taking action to reduce it. Looking at the Manage Storage option found in your device’s settings app, a bar chart appears showing you exactly how much storage space is being taken up by each type of file. For most Apple users, backups, photos, and messages can make up over half of their total storage capacity. The list below this chart demonstrates which apps are using up iCloud space and it will also provide an estimate of how much each app is consuming. After examining this information, changes can be made accordingly to free up as much room as possible on iCloud.

Knowing where your iCloud holds its data is essential for understanding how best to optimize your device’s memory usage. By proactively monitoring the types of files held in the cloud, you can more efficiently rearrange and remove any unneeded content with minimal difficulty. Keeping track of which apps take up the most storage helps diagnose any bottlenecks that may occur as you add new files to your library and overall device. Regardless of whether you are an avid Apple user or someone who wishes to store documents more securely within their cloud account, make sure all allocated storage is.


Get rid of old messages

It can be easy to overlook the amount of data that individual text messages and iChat conversations take up in your iCloud account. Over time, all those messages can add up to a significant amount of storage. To reduce this usage, it is recommended to regularly delete any old text messages and iChat threads that you no longer need or want.

You can use the Messages app on your device to quickly and easily review messages or conversations and delete anything that is outdated or unneeded. When deleting specific messages or entire conversations, note that they are permanently removed from all of your Apple devices. Doing this is a great way to keep your iCloud untangle and free up space in your account so that more important information can also be stored.


Delete email attachments

Managing the attachments in our emails can take up a huge amount of space, rapidly clogging storage. Thankfully, iCloud Mail offers an easy solution by allowing users to sort their emails by attachments. This feature allows users to quickly identify which emails contain large attachments and delete them from their inboxes if they choose.

By opening up iCloud Mail and selecting View then Sort by Attachments, users are able to view a list of all the emails with associated attachments sorted by size. This makes it simple to delete several large emails at once or even specify a cutoff size to remove all files larger than that value. By cleaning up the email attachments stored in iCloud Mail, users can free up necessary space on their devices while ensuring that important messages still remain safe and secure.


Manage your photo library:

Managing your photo library can be a time-consuming task that often pays huge dividends in terms of saving space and organizing your photos. With the high resolution cameras Apple devices come with, and more people shooting videos as well, it’s easy to end up with hundreds of gigabytes of media files stored in the cloud if you don’t take measures to organize regularly.

Unfortunately, there is no automated way to find bad photos or clips that aren’t being used within your iCloud library – it’s up to you to search through your albums and delete any unwanted photos or videos. Of course, if you do have videos saved in the cloud, it makes sense to cut down on their storage size by only keeping clips that are important for posterity. Through these two simple steps you can quickly free up space.

Maintaining adequate iCloud storage space is important to ensure you are able to access your files and data with ease. Fortunately, keeping the amount of digital clutter in check is fairly simple when it comes to iCloud. With a few short steps, you can free up significant amounts of space from your account.

For instance, removing duplicate files, clearing out old backups, deleting large unused items that take up a lot of room such as videos and pictures, and ensuring your logs don't bloat over time can all help make sure that you never run out of storage on your account again. Regularly revisiting any stored documents and seeing which can be removed or resized also helps ensure that you're always making the most efficient use of your cloud storage space. Additionally, if you ever find yourself needing additional storage space beyond what's currently allocated on iCloud, then upgrading iCloud storage on iPhones, iPads and Macs is a possibility as well.

Clean up your iCloud Drive

iCloud Drive is a full-featured file storage system provided by Apple. It lets you store many different types of data, like documents, PDFs, and application files, securely in the cloud. However, this storage space can quickly become cluttered with files that you no longer need or want to keep.

Fortunately, it is easy to clean up iCloud Drive and reclaim some storage space. You can do it from a Mac computer simply by going to the iCloud Drive folder in Finder and sorting through your files by size, type, or creation date. From there, you can delete whatever you no longer need without worrying about losing important information. The process is also possible on an iPhone or iPad – albeit more limited – if you don’t have access to a computer. With all of these options available at your disposal, cleaning up iCloud Drive shouldn’t be too arduous and will free up your digital hard drive for better use.


Maintaining adequate iCloud storage space is important to ensure you are able to access your files and data with ease. Fortunately, keeping the amount of digital clutter in check is fairly simple when it comes to iCloud. With a few short steps, you can free up significant amounts of space from your account.

For instance, removing duplicate files, clearing out old backups, deleting large unused items that take up a lot of room such as videos and pictures, and ensuring your logs don't bloat over time can all help make sure that you never run out of storage on your account again. Regularly revisiting any stored documents and seeing which can be removed or resized also helps ensure that you're always making the most efficient use of your cloud storage space. Additionally, if you ever find yourself needing additional storage space beyond what's currently allocated on iCloud, then upgrading iCloud storage on iPhones, iPads and Macs is a possibility as well.


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